Monday, June 1, 2020

Miracle Morning Book Review

I first encountered author Hal Elrod and The Miracle Morning by listening regularly to Hal’s successful podcast “Achieve Your Goals.”  The Miracle Morning is primarily focused on beginning each day in a positive and productive state of mind, starting with purpose and then living through the day deliberately.  It is hard for me to think of a simple practice that could have a greater impact on fathers with the many demands on their time and attention.

Since my teenaged years, I have found the value of what I have called a “morning devotional.”  In this process, I have read scripture, pondered and prayed in an effort to refocus my spiritual life each morning.  And while I have not been perfect with my morning devotional, it has always helped me have a better day.

So I got motivated to take a look at his best-selling book The Miracle Morning, which seemed to resonate with my morning devotional practice but bring more to the experience.  And I was not disappointed.

Hal Elrod is a personal success coach, author and speaker who was an extraordinary direct sales success and who nearly lost his life in a head-on automobile accident.   As he recovered from his injuries, he retrained his thinking to becoming more positive and focused. Achieving great success in his sales career, he turned to writing and speaking to share his story and to motivate others to success.  His first book, Taking Life Head On, speaks to his specific story and what he learned, and The Miracle Morning is a how-to tome based on his mantra that “You can’t change the past but you can change everything else. Take your first step toward making a significant change in your life, today.”

The concept of the Miracle Morning is to get up earlier than you otherwise would and to focus 30 minutes to an hour on six “Life S.A.V.E.R.S” or practices which can cause your day to start right and to bring focus and energy. “Life S.A.V.E.R.S” is an acronym for these practices:
·        S – Silence – this practice is about praying, meditating or doing things that are without distraction
·        A – Affirmations – this practice, recommended by many self-help gurus, is about speaking aloud your key objectives and vision for yourself (your affirmations)
·        V – Visualization – this practice involves visualizing yourself in situations in which you are successful and progressing
·        E – Exercise – as it suggests, this practice is about physically getting active with a deliberate strategy
·        R – Reading – this practice involves reading things that motivate and inspire and could include scripture, self-help books, or articles that instruct and focus on self improvement
·        S – Scribe – this practice involves writing in a journal or blog and recording the experiences, feelings and lessons learned of your life

In the book, Elrod writes in detail about the values of each of these Life S.A.V.E.R.S and then suggests a series of tools for implementing the Miracle Morning in the life of the reader.  He talks about starting with a 6-minute Miracle Morning and moving to a longer period of time, about how to customize the Miracle Morning concept and how to successfully develop a habit of the practice over a 30 day time period.

In addition, Hal has created a Miracle Morning Community on Facebook that allows folks using the Miracle Morning at all stages to post, support one another and share ideas.

I have found The Miracle Morning to be a very effective tool that helps ground me and set my day up for greater personal and professional success.  I have tried to look at it specifically from my role as a father and as a writer about fatherhood topics and believe that it could help any father who wants to be more committed and deliberate about his role as a dad.  Whatever you hope to achieve in life, the principles and practices of The Miracle Morning will be a blessing and an effective strategy in helping a father get there.